All over the world, companies produce contaminants which are washed down the drain into our water and food supply. Microbeads, nanoparticles, carcinogenic NPEs and Pthalates, antimicrobials and endocrine disruptors, to name just a few.

Once released into the market, it is impossible for governments to control what happens with them, or to prevent them from causing serious harm to our environment or the population.

Companies have a direct responsibility to reduce the harm these contaminants cause before their products hit the marker in the first place by reducing reliance on toxic chemical use.

"Every year thousands of new contaminants enter the market in common consumer products and are washed down our drains without treatment. They end up in the water we drink, the fish we eat, and other marine life. These contaminants are lawfully produced and sold by the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries."

You can read the full story from The Conversation here.